have a little something different for you all today. For those who
don't know me very well, I'm an avid reader. I never leave the house
without a book or my kindle and any opportunity I get I've got my head
stuck in a book. I've been watching some "booktubers" recently and saw
that they did this tag and wanted to give it a go, so here it is, my 7
Deadly Sins of Reading tag.
GREED: What is your
most inexpensive book? What is your most expensive book?
I have a number of books that I’ve brought for 50p from a
charity shop or two. I couldn’t name them all because the post would go on and
on forever but charity shops are always a good place to shop. The most
expensive book would probably be one of my university text books which are
around £30 a piece. My first year at uni I thought I should buy all the books
for my course, now I’ve learnt to borrow them from the library!
WRATH: What author do
you have a love/hate relationship with?
I can’t really answer this one because I don’t tend to love
an author I love a book, if that makes sense. I never read a book by one person
and then assume I’ll like their other books so I don’t read them unless I’ve
read a summary I like the sound off. At one point in time I would have said
Stephanie Meyer because I loved the Twilight Series (which got me into reading)
but when I first started The Host I hated it. I powered through the first few
chapters of that after a while and fell in love.
GLUTTONY: What book
have you deliciously devoured over and over with no shame whatsoever?
I would have to say Eclipse. It’s not the best written book
but like many people I fell in love with the story of the Twilight Saga and
Eclipse is by far my favourite of the four. I think it has the best story and
it’s nice a romantic too.
SLOTH: What book have
you neglected reading due to laziness?
Harry Potter. I’ve spoken to so many people that are shocked
I haven’t read the series and I really want to but I think about how long it
will be if I read from 1 to the end and I just get put off by it. I’m thinking
of tackling it over the summer of 2013.
PRIDE: What books do
you most talk about in order to sound like a very intellectual reader?
I tend to bring up books that I read for my A-Level English
course. I read a few classics for that course and because of the essays and
discussions I had to write and have on these kinds of books. I really didn’t
enjoy reading them, but they do make you sound a little more intellectual
person instead of bringing up the likes of Twilight and Soul Screamers which I
read for pleasure.
LUST: What attributes
do you find most attractive in male characters?
Is it cheesy to say mysterious? I like a guy to be
mysterious but not creepy. I don’t particularly have a preference with looks
but I always tend to like them a little older than the main female character. Add in a little bit of a quirky quality and
some good hair and I’ll be falling at their fictional feet.
ENVY: What books
would you like to receive as a gift?
I would love to get the full set of True Blood novels as a
gift. I really want to read the books but there are so many to have to buy on
my own that receiving them all as a gift in a nice box set would be brilliant.
would tag some people but I don't know how many people love reading or
would want to do this so I'm just going to say I tag all the people who
want to do this little tag!