I found it quite hard to write this review, simply because I didn't quite have the words for this trilogy. It's the first of it's kind (YA Dystopian) that I've read, and I'm unsure if I want to venture into this genre more. That is most definitely not to say that I didn't adore this series, because I did. I think I'm going to find it hard to find a similar book that lives up to this, and that makes me want to read quite like this series did.
The Hunger Games
The first book, The Hunger Games, is really my favorite
of all three. It took me about three days to read and I can't wait to
pick it up again. It gives us a world and characters that you can
connect to and it's very well written. It's written in the first person,
and in the present tense which made it all the more easy for me to
read. I find it hard to connect with books that are written in a
differing format than this book.
novel can stand alone if you really wanted to, which is good and bad.
If you are not a fan of series then it's great news for you. The Hunger
Games is for you, but if you don't mind series then the finality of this book can put you off reading the next two. It did for me. It took me about 6 months to pick up Catching Fire.
Catching Fire
Fire is probably my least favourite of the series. In my opinion it's
what I would call a filler book. It doesn't really introduce anything
majorly new like the Hunger Games and Mockingjay, but I still read it
and enjoyed it. It took me a little longer to read this but I still got
though it in about two weeks.
is my second favourite of the series, but I really hated the ending. I
really didn't feel like I got closure on the series if that makes sense.
I raced through the book, and that surprises me now that I look back on
it. It's the most violent and most adult of the three novels and that
kind of things doesn't really appeal to me.
won't mention much about characters because I don't want anything to be
spoiled but Collins did an amazing job of developing that characters
through the yes of Katniss, the female protagonist. Katniss Everdeen may
not seem the kind of person you would think of as a role model but the
character that is developed in the book - I don't like her in the movie -
is one that I quite admire. Many of her characteristics and actions are
ones that I can seen (in a small way) in my self. She is devoted to her
family, does what it takes to survive and tried her best. She might
make mistakes, but who doesn't?
The Ending
ending, as I mentioned above, was a disappointment for me, It felt
somewhat rushed and I was just left wanting more. I could understand
this if there was another book, but it didn't wrap up the whole trilogy
well enough for me. I like finality, and I just didn't get a feeling
that it was really final. If that makes any sense at all. I felt like
there was so much more of the story to tell, and I want more.
Final Thoughts
The series as a whole is fast paced and an 'easy' read. It does deal
with some heavy subject, so it's not a light read but I didn't struggle
to get through it and I found myself itching to turn the pages.
you don't like violence, especially violence against children, then
this might not be for you but I'm firmly against those ideas and I found
that this novel really makes you think. The world that we are presented
with is something so familiar (even thought we obviously don;t live in
this world) that it makes it easy to connect with emotionally. That
makes it an all the more interesting read because you can get even more emotionally invested in the story and characters.
sorry this whole review is a bit all over the shot, I just wanted to
get all my thought out there. There are so many more that I could share
but this is already too long. I just leave you with the strong
recommendation that you at least read the first novel. The second and
third novels are worth a read, and really well written but The Hunger
Games will remain my favorite.
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